Telephone support is available via the Headway Helpline 0808 800 2244 9-5 Mon – Fri
The Samaritans provide a 24/7 service for those who need support during the night or at the weekend 08457 90 90 90
Headway Wirral is a local charity that works to improve life after brain injury. We provide support, services and information to people with an acquired brain injury, their relatives and carers whilst also campaigning for greater public awareness. We work closely with health and legal professionals and provide guidance on such matters as social services and financial support. Our vision is to build a community where people with brain injuries are valued, respected and able to fulfil their potential.
We provide drop in opportunities across Wirral as follows:
Mondays 10 am – 12 noon – West Kirby – Westbourne Hall, Westbourne Road West Kirby
Tuesdays – 10 am – 2 pm – Birkenhead at the Fountain Project, 90 Chester Street, Birkenhead
Wednesdays – 9 am – 1 pm Bromborough at Meadowcroft, Spital Road, Bromborough
Thursdays 10 am – 2 pm. Birkenhead – at Potens, 20 Park Road South, Birkenhead
Yes we know we can’t open the groups at the moment but at least that means members haven’t got to suffer bad jokes, having their names put on naughty board(no names no pack drill ) or fights over seconds during lunch on Thursdays. However, we are still here for you. We will be contacting members by phone each week to make sure their needs are being met and in order to assist in any way we can ( within government restrictions of course) We are also exploring other ways to maintain face to face contact though things like FaceTime or Zoom which allows group chats to take place, where people have the necessary devices. Who knows, the quizzes might be back sooner than you think!
Dont forget, you can contact us by phone at any time on 07506975261 if you need us or on the National 24 hour helpline shown on this site. We are also now on Twitter and instagram.
Phil Barr
Development Officer
Latest news…
Support groups are now up and running, able to stay in touch with each other not just by phone but now in their homes via Zoom so come on get involved contact either Phil or Re-Phil .
The Headway quiz is back on !!!!!!!!!!!
For a a list of boredom busting resources go to chatterpack.net click on blog and you will find a wealth of things to keep you entertained , stay safe everyone
Headway Wirral’s annual “Hats for Headway” is on Thursday 14th May but this year it’s on the Zoom chat group. Each year we ask anyone who wants to help to wear a crazy 😜 or plain silly 😝 hat to donate £2 to Headway Wirral to support our cause. If you use our Zoom facility then wear it for the meeting. If you are unable to join us then wear one anyway and send us your photos, which with your permission, we will put on our site.
Thank you to everyone who made our Hats for Headway such a fun day on zoom last Thursday the 14th, a great effort by all and a big thanks for supporting Headway Wirral in this way👏👏👏👏👏

Jigsaw puzzles have many benefits including improving short term memory and visual-spatial reasoning, so type in jigsawplanet.comhttp://Jigsawplanet.com and enjoy 😉